I have spent hours planning, shopping, and preparing for this coming school year. Only, to look at my plans and wonder how so little planning has taken me so long. Really I still am wondering exactly what I am going to be doing the first day of school.
Lucky for me I have 2 weeks left to be completely ready to welcome my students. I also am very fortunate to have many family members which have volunteered to help me. I hope that I will have it all ready by the 27th and really I only have to be ready for the first 6 weeks because after that I will be off-track for almost a whole month.
I have been having a lot of fun planning. It is so nice to enjoy what has to be done. (Maybe if I enjoyed house work it actually would get done.) Every day I get more excited about getting to start the year with my own class and getting to share with them the adventure of learning! No doubt about it God knew what he was doing when he directed me towards the path of teaching!