I had no idea how much I struggle with change until the last week or so. I am currently approaching many changes- some good, some bad. As I watch these changes quickly approach I am not sure what to do about them. I feel like I should be excited about many of them and sad about others of them but instead I am just on a constant roller coaster ride of emotions.
Graduation should be a really exciting time, and don't get me wrong, I am excited about it but I can't help but feel a little sad as well. I am going to miss my friends from school with whom I have shared much time with over the last few years. I will miss visiting with them in the parking garage after classes as well as miss going out to lunch and laughing uncontrollably over experiences we have had while teaching. I am not the type of person who constantly needs many friends but I really value what friends I do have and Westminster College Education Students Class of '09- I will miss you greatly! I hope that we will continue to keep in touch! I can't imagine teaching without knowing that if I need anything all of you will be there!
The other change which I am struggling with is my position at work. This week is my last week as a supervisor at Starbucks so from now on I will just be a barista. As crazy as some people may think I am- I completely love my job at Starbucks! I love the people I work with, the store and all of our crazy customers! I am looking forward to getting to work more with my friends who are supervisors but I will miss the role that I have had for almost 3 and half years. I can't help but feel some ownership over this little store which I help open almost 4 years ago and I feel like I am losing some of the control and imput that I have had in helping it become the awesome store that it is today. I really hope that I will not feel the change to much but rather will just continue to enjoy my job as I know that my time at there is limited.
I was reminded recently that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(Romans 8:28)" While I am dreading some of this changes I can't wait to see what God's plan for all of this is and I am so glad that I can trust him and his plan.